Monday, June 11, 2007


Wow! These guys are back on our screens again....its paloma and diego am talking of.
I am falling in love with this soap cos i can imagine the plot...its unpredictable.

You'd wanna say they'll both fall in love at the end, but how?
See, Sebasian doesn't know Catalina has a boyfriend and didn't know they were poor till he found out.

Recently, wt eduardo dumping catalina and she wanting to go out with sebastian(the lovestruck fool) for money also, the stage is set for a real showdown...cos how can she fool sweet sebastian and marry him. You should have seen the mother happy when she heard Eduardo had dumped her daughter. And not to talk of Miss Antoinette(still a virgin?) and the bastard Carmelo who's looking for his origins....this is going to be interesting.

I see Eduardo coming back to fight for Catalina... and oh, i'll love that,

What else...will Lupe allow his daughter to marry an ordinary worker and i bet Amelia won't let Catalina have it so easily.
Let's see!

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